July 15, 2014

♡ Becoming more Healthy ♡

I'm unhealthy. I'll admit it. I don't try to be overly healthy, it seems too hard to me. Having to put a whole lot of money and time into making food that's good for you. Especially the money side. Fresh fruit is expensive and doesn't keep. And then there's the exercise. I struggle with exercise. Running is such a bore and so strenuous that I cannot bring myself to do it. I've contemplated joining netball teams, horse riding lesson, dance lessons, yoga classes, pilates classes, rock climbing groups on weekends. I think of all these things that would be so much fun so participate in, and then realise, each one of these things requires me to pay a lump sum of money that I don't really have any room for in any kind of budget I can draw up.

So both eating healthy, and exercise, in my mind has been ruled out as too expensive. 

I've thought long and hard about what I want to do to get in better shape and eat better without spending a huge amount of money that I don't necessarily have. 

I've decided to start off with a yoga mat. My next task, as soon as I have money to spare, will be to purchase a yoga mat. Not to go out and take yoga lessons or anything, or to do yoga only at home. I've found muscle exercises and stretches I want to do. Little things that would require very little movement compared to running, and yet use my entire body. I am excited to start this. As soon as I have my yoga mat so I don't destroy my hands and knees and joints on the wooden floors (and I tried using a blanket or something similar, it slips). 

As for eating healthy, I'm still a little stumped on that one. I like the idea of going out and getting a whole bundle of fruit and having fruit for lunch, maybe some toast or something for breakfast if I'm hungry. Dinners I don't  have much control over as it's cooking for an entire family and everyones tastes are completely different (and in our household, you cook for everyone only, not yourself as thats considered wasteful and rude). But like I said before, fruit can be quite expensive. Maybe I'll have a look into frozen fruit bags and smoothies. As for other lunch ideas, I hate cooking. Anything that requires a stove or oven I hate doing. Using a stove means using a pot or pan which means more dishes and the chance of burning yourself. Using the oven just seems cheap and over the top and unhealthy. I'm not saying it is, that's just how I feel about it. 

We'll have to see what happens in the next month or so. I'm hoping that once I've drawn up a budget that includes fresh fruit, things will get along quite smoothly.

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